Liz Lobo

My story
I became a personal finance consultant 3 years ago helping women understand budgeting and investing. However, my journey started with educating myself.
Money mistakes I made in my 20s
Spent everything I made.
Made reckless investments.
Signed a contract without reading and lost money.
Until I decided to take control of my finances. On top of getting a degree in economics, I have read thousands of pages, watched dozens of videos and taken several courses. Now I want to help other women with their financial wellness.

Useful resources

Not sure where to start? Look no further. Tailor-made resource library that will guide you on your financial journey. Download and use our templates, ebooks and more.


Money programs that will transform your finances, help you pay off debt, build a sustainable budget and create a path to financial freedom without sacrifice.


Need more hands on support? Sign up for 1:1 consultations, where we will tackle your situation and come up with a personalised plan for building sustainable wealth.

Join me on the path to great financial future!